Eclipse Season & New Chapter In Life

The eclipse season starts soon. Many people feel eclipse energy weeks before they occur. Is anything already become apparent to you?

This cycle is intense but so rewarding! My only warning is to create healthy agreements and boundaries. Read blog until the end where I include outlook per rising sign.


April 30 - Solar eclipse in Taurus (10°)

Solar eclipses occur when the sun and moon are conjunct creating the new moon phase.

May 16 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio (25°)

Lunar eclipses occur when the sun and moon are opposite creating the full moon phase.

Astrology holds so many clues to your soul’s journey and can be used to navigate life on a daily to yearly basis and beyond. I channel blogs and add astrology to ground the intuitive information.

Make it stand out

In astrology, the sun and moon are known as personal planets. They determine the astrology nodal signs as their ellipses cross over an imaginary point. As Earth travels around the sun the nodal signs change approximately every 2 ½ years. The eclipses typically fall in the same signs as the nodes. Eclipses are always between opposing signs.

Recap of Sun and Moon

The sun is your soul, your creation, and it indicates how you express yourself. The part of you that wants to create something memorable and continuously strives to attain and achieve. This point eludes you until you deal with current obstacles.

The moon is your emotional body, and what keeps you subjectively captivated until you courageously delve into the mind, and glance at all that is stored in the emotional body. The moon is also connected to the mother and your roots.

Currently, we are experiencing north node in Taurus and south node in Scorpio. In my previous blog, you will find free eclipse table for 2022 to 2024 and my generalizations of the upcoming eclipses.

If you follow me regularly, you've become aware of my fierce watchfulness of Scorpio South node and Taurus North node.

Recap South and North Nodes in Astrology

South nodes are the familiar and your innate gifts and strengths. They help you understand your past (past lives/ancestral baggage) and help you release the old and stagnate energy.

North nodes bring in new energy and fated opportunities for growth. The nudge you to awaken and align with the next chapter in your life. The unknown can be exciting and scary at the same time.

Recap of Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus is ruled by Venus and represents your inner resources, and all that you love and desire. What is worthy or unworthy of your efforts and many self-worth topics are highlighted. Self-preservation is important to these Earth lovers as they are steadfast at providing and needing stability. Fast wit and wicked humour are Taurus trademarks.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the transformer of karma and renewal of energy. Your deep fears and limitations have a place to turn into beautiful learnings. Here, is your opportunity to embrace victimhood and shift into training yourself to have a healthier mindset. Scorpio’s other categories include matters of sexuality and money. The good and dark side of all human pleasures fall in Taurus and Scorpio. Your innermost longings are highlighted!

How will the eclipses affect you?

Let me augment the potential of the beautiful solar eclipse on April 30, in Taurus (10°). At the same time, Jupiter and Venus in Pisces (27°) are conjunct adding more magic and Mercury enters Gemini. This solar eclipse feels like the entrance to a new chapter in your life. As you close the previous cycle(s), you analyse your past actions and how you’ve been managing your life. Letting go of what you've outgrown and integrating healthy mindsets. Taurus will help you head towards your top values providing you know what they are. You can find stable solid ground to build meaningful ventures. Manifest your deepest desires and be a clear channel to receive.

Opposing Scorpio south node will initiate remembrance of the past conflicts and bring them into the conscious space for you to amend. If you are honest with yourself, you will dissolve the subtle nuisances that create so many entrapments in your life.

Your heart is being opened. You will be ready for heartfelt conversations with yourself and know current unhappiness can only be healed by self. You are breaking cycles of control and self-loathing! The control that keeps you safe and detached when really all you long for is deep connection!

Beautiful solar eclipse on April 30, in Taurus (10°)

On May 16, the lunar eclipse in Scorpio (25°) makes a fixed T-square with Saturn in Aquarius (24°). Additionally, the eclipse makes a trine to the Neptune and Mars conjunction in Pisces (23/24°). For a few months, I’ve been feeling this event is going to be EPIC! Something big is about to break on a personal and global level. Something around unworthiness stories stored in your mind are illuminated. The evils you wish, the unease you feel, the lusts that keep you from true love!!

I’ve felt this nodal cycle will bring more death as many decide to vacate Earth instead of going through any more growth work. Pluto does represent cycles of birth to death and restoration.

The balance between sane and senseless. The cycles of victimhood, shame, abuse, power control need to end. If you achieve some small fraction of this, you will end the human battle of self-harm! You will undoubtedly reverse unhealthy thoughts and receive great rewards from the universe.

You will reach some kind of enlightenment!

May 16 - lunar eclipse in Scorpio (25°)

To fully understand the eclipses influences in your personal life, find Taurus and Scorpio house cusps in your birth chart. Below is a guide on how the eclipses will affect you according to your rising sign.

Aries rising – You are aligning with what you value and who you value. You will find balance in how you earn your money and use all your resources to build healthy material wealth. You will be looking to consolidated what you owe and who you owe.

Taurus rising – The next year and half brings many personal awakenings. There are endless self-realisation moments. Growth through interactions with others helps you find balance with self. Love relationships can be found and deepened at this time.

Gemini rising – There is a need to change how you work. You want to feel a sense of accomplishment and find spiritual practices that align with you. You may need to rest or go on retreats.

Cancer rising – If you will it, you can have it! Your party of people or party people can be tiring, and you are looking for new friendships and stability.

Leo rising – Growth in career advancement. There is a focus on the home and any open wounds with mother and the home you grew up in.

Virgo rising – You are upgrading many of your beliefs and wanting to learn new things now. There are opportunities to travel and/or you could be moving.

Libra rising – Financial growth is possible through loan or inheritances, maybe even the lottery or better salary pursuits. You are cleansing your mind of many self-worth matters as the universe brings you many tests to evolve your psyche.

Scorpio rising – You can’t hide from yourself and you can’t ignore the other. The next year and a half focus is on your personality norms. Relationships test your current reactions to others and if you are self-reflective there is much healing.

Sagittarius rising – You are looking for your higher purpose and entering a time of great spiritual renewal. Greatness comes when you understand how to serve humanity selflessly!

Capricorn rising – You may feel creatively inspired including becoming a parent. Take risks into your arts and allow your soul to express itself in whatever physical form it desires. Sexual deception is foul play but healthy flings can bring fun and new friendships.

Aquarius rising – You are seeking stability and self-assurance, especially, with Saturn also in your first house. Hard work will reward you greatly if you have discipline to work towards your goals. Career and home is shifting and something new is blossoming.

Pisces rising – You may feel inspired to move, travel and learn new things. Be a bookworm and explore your current yearnings. You are no longer feeling bound by cultural, societal and learnt beliefs.

Overall, these eclipses open up your heart. Your needs for stability are highlighted. Propaganda tires most. The awakened soul’s seek ascension from damaging transistors in the mind. The world maybe in chaos and you feel disappointed in humanity. Keep your focus on personal goals and you will find life more manageable and fun to live.

It will be an interesting couple of years with Scorpio south node. I just feel it will be significant to personal and global psyche. I keep reminding clients that Taurus north node is about accumulation of wealth and seeking stability. Use your inner resources and align with your strengths and gifts, to transform whatever you want to change in your life. I believe we can all make our indelible mark in the world.

On May 2, Jupiter enters Aries until October 28 and brings in lively energy. This can be playful energy and very forthcoming. Carpe diem! Cease the moments. I will write more about Jupiter in Aries in my next newsletter.

Have faith in the planets teachings and have faith in yourself.

Sending love.


If you are ready to make massive changes, work with me and I will help you make the spiritual breakthrough you seek.

Learn more about the tools I use from intuitive tarot, astrology and spiritual coaching.


Astrologically More of May


Happy Birthday Taurus