Virgo New Moon

Are you ready for BIG shifts?

Are you ready for 5.0 version of you?


Keep reading until the end, I will tell you what to expect for the next 2+ years and this Virgo season. You know me, I make wild predictions most psychics miss and even I am amazed at what comes true. I hope you are following your intuitive powers too!


Remember look at your own natal chart to find the signs and which area of life the planetary movements will affect you. If you are joining my newsletters now, the north node is your destiny. It is new, unfamiliar, and scary but exciting! south node is letting go of anything that no longer serves your ultimate goal in this lifetime. Here is a video on how to pull your chart.

Look for the horseshoes on your natal chart.


North and South Nodes

In this newsletter, I will be concentrating on the nodes. However, there are many planetary influences that nudge us to change the status quo in life. Sometimes, we need to sit still , or movement helps us to figure things out, and sometimes we need others to be our sounding boards.

In 2018 to May 2020, the north and south nodes were in Cancer/Capricorn, which represent your roots and ambition/career, respectively. These cardinal signs are action driven, outcome based, and need movement. Each one of us reacted differently to the lockdowns. How did they affect you? I did ok until December 2020, after that I was over the nonsense.

Under the Cancer/Capricorn nodal influences, you probably fell under one of these situations, you began working from home, or you were unable to work, or you became an entrepreneur.

Seven years ago, I knew we were heading towards a work/home balanced life when the remote job market became a thing. I manifested a 100% remote corporate job and I got it. I will share my manifesting technique at the end. In 2019, when I permanently moved out of USA, my spiritual business became 100% remote.

What new possibilities have you been exploring?

From May 2020 until Jan 2022, the north and south nodes are in Gemini/Sagittarius, respectively. These mutable signs represent learning and are quite opinionated! Additionally, they both represent travelling, education, publications, media, and imprints from people outside of your family home/roots.

Sagittarius delves into philosophies, dogma, everything foreign and loves bullet points. They live for the experience and need freedom to feel alive.

Gemini is the scatter brain iconoclast and is an information junkie, they are like walking libraries. Sometimes they lack tack and experience.

Education has been changed forever. Travel has changed forever! The “expert scholars” are having their glory moments trying to educate the mass on a foreign born bug. Or is it a lab creation? Stay tuned as whistle blowers pop up to stir the pot. The way we receive information is changing. I still see Facebook crashing and Instagram are scrambling to keep up with TikTok. I see tiktok go away as fast as it has come. This Chinese based company is up to no good and gets its hands caught in the cookie jar. But don’t let me influence your pastime. I keep seeing Youtube change too.

In the past 18 months, people have moved away from their native home base or gone back home. Everything you once believed in has shifted and you are probably still going through many transformations. Astrology doesn’t lie! I love it. Do you relate to all of this?

2022 Chaos or Calm

On January 19, 2022, the north and south node change from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio, respectively. These two fixed signs desire solid commitments and aren’t interested in frivolous encounters. They are loyal and expect the same back. Taurus likes all the nice things in life including money, a love for nature and preservation of beauty. Scorpio loves the dark and saucy side of life including magic and psychology. Both have depth and can be powerful medicine people.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and all about transformation, through the cycles of life from birth to death, karmic debt, and sexual intimacy. It is time to get a grip and grow up!

Taurus is ruled by Venus and loves nice things. Dig deep to find your inner resources and what you truly value, earthly possessions, or Earth!

Next year, 2022, feels chaotic as you try to put your life back together. Banks, governments, and corporations look at the damages, and corporations have no place to hide their messy books. Their slow decline to dissolution begins. This trickles down to global citizens and increases hysteria, leading to death across the classes. Media is the new drill sergeant, ramming viewers with fear instead of real solutions!

As the dust settles from the past couple of years, the greatest alteration to society begins from eons ago before religions tainted the world! Global citizens once again look to reshape humanity and stop bloody wars. Some of you have already been feeling this colossal energy swaying you, fluttering your heart, and pulsating your mind. Follow your instincts and commit to your soul’s purpose, this is where you will see the greatest karmic and financial rewards. If you’ve been screaming, at the wealthy, I suggest answering one big question. What is the lifestyle you want to maintain? How much does this lifestyle cost to maintain? What is enough? Hypocrisy will be the monkey on your back.

Many have gracefully and ethically found ways to earn a living through the pandemic! The scales are constantly tipping but I will speak of the change from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra closer to that time. Ask yourself, what do you love to do? What feeds your soul? Your spirit can soar this fall. Feed your consciousness with “I can do” attitude and let the unconscious mind, rewire yesterday’s trauma.

When the next financial crisis tips the world economy over, do you want ride it out with ease or struggle? Take this Virgo new moon on September 7, to drive your ambitious forces towards actualizing your dreams.

Manifesting Dreams

Here’s a manifesting technique that has worked for me and I’ve shared before.

Back in 2013, I was changing jobs like knickers. It was one of the worst years of my life and I’ve had many. On a $1 bill, I wrote I want a job and co-workers that are both mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. I want an option to work from home. I wrote the amount I wanted to earn, and I manifested it all included love. I thought if I can manifest all this on $1 bill, what can I manifest on $100? I wrote out what I wanted but put that bill into circulation when I left USA. When I came to the UK, I wrote all my desires on a £50 note (pinky), that is the biggest note available. Yes, the love in USA and job went away and that is ok. Has you change everything in your life transforms.


Get a currency amount you are comfortable writing on. Go big or go home. Write all the things you would like in your life. Write as many details as you can fit or write bullet points and write more details on a piece of paper. Place on your altar and wait for the universal stork to deliver your desires.

Examples of what you can write.

-       Love, kind, honest, funny, mature enough to commit to the long term and show up daily

-       Career – soul satisfying, work less, earn more, passive income, successful books, etc

-       Money – 3 x more than I need monthly or get specific with an amount

-       Etc…….

Sending love.

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Happy Birthday Libra


Happy Birthday Virgo