Intuitive Astrology Reading

Did you know from the moment you are born, the planets and stars are influencers in your life?! They shift you through major stages of your life including whatever you are facing right now! When you work with me, you will learn how to navigate ALL areas of your life.

Turn Misery into Magic!

You are so much more than your sun sign

How Can Astrology Improve Your Life?

Do you feel unlucky, lost, unhappy, and want to make inspiring discoveries to reverse your outlook? Or do you want to learn more about yourself and discover the road map to your best life?

Examining your natal (birth) chart helps you piece together current experiences and moves you past challenging times with greater ease. Each planetary cycle helps you progress and increases your knowledge about your whole soul’s evolutionary journey, evoking self-awareness. Astrology holds vast amounts of priceless information about your entire soul’s life.

For over 3,000 years, astrology has proven to be a powerful and reliable predictive tool! It has led our ancestors through famine, wars, seasonal cycles, and more.

Your natal chart is your point of evolution and not the absolute of who you are or where you are. You can access different parts of yourself. It is a map of who you have been, who you can be, where you can go and what you can achieve. You are here to express your soul self.

When we work together, I teach you to work ahead of the astrological events to help prevent devastating emotional, financial, and spiritual experiences. I show you which area of your life you can make necessary adjustments and heal old wounds. When astrological events occur, you can ride the waves instead of feeling like you are drowning. Constructive wisdom will help you make informed choices. Notice significant positive changes in your life, and create ease and flow versus constantly feeling life is a struggle! It is NOT when you work with your natal chart.

Bonus free: Human Design chart reading adds another layer to your self-discovery track. If needed, I include tarot. Let’s discover the hidden messages from our planets and stars and unleash your full power!

  • Discover soul-satisfying career options that support your natural gifts.

  • Unlock truths about your past lives, heal unresolved lessons, and end karmic boomerangs.

  • Heal your relationships with money and build a healthy money reservoir for rainy days or luxury spending.

  • Align with planetary cycles and create flow in your life.

  • Break away from unhealthy family dynamics and limitations.

  • Build healthy relationships.

  • and much more

I predict many global events most astrologers &  psychics miss!
Let’s Work Together

No matter where we meet, this is a safe space for you to be vulnerable and for your deep healing journey.

Online via Zoom, Skype, US/UK Phone calls, Facetime or WhatsApp

I felt unlucky for years!

Astrology literally saved my life.

Astrology held in-depth knowledge of my struggles and helped me understand them. I regained control of my life. Along with my intuitive gifts, I continuously use astrology to follow my destiny.

I was connected to the cosmos as a child, astrology solidified my bond. I have designed a very Aquarian (unique and fresh) approach to astrology. The astrology I teach recognises the planets as whole beings just like you and me, and I desire to give them the dignity they deserve. I believe the cosmos is a living, breathing, and burgeoning entity that births all life including yours, mine, the plethora of stars and planets, and more. Each one of us has a soul, pulse, vibration, and purpose, and that is what we will explore together.
