Happy Birthday Cancer & Summer Solstice

Sink or Swim ….


As I put on my channelling hat, I foresee Cancer season to be unpredictable and infused with feelings of scarcity. You may feel stuck in mud, further exasperating the need for stability, which is a big theme throughout 2022 and part of 2023. You may feel on edge about who to trust and even doubts about trusting yourself. Both amount to the same thing. Rely on your instincts to guide you at this time.


Scorpio south node’s undercurrents inflate Cancer’s watery disposition. I keep feeling something big is going to break on a global scale.

On June 28th, Neptune is retrograde until December 4. The enigmatic dissolver of ego leaves you yearning for meaning to your life. Your need for rest and introspection is high.

On July 5th, Mars enters Taurus and Mercury enters Cancer making a sextile. Sextiles bring less charged up energy. You may feel productive and want to surround yourself with loving people and spaces. Connecting to your creativity could bring you a lot of joy.

At the same time, the Virgo moon (25°) is opposite Neptune in Pisces (25°) followed by Cancer Sun (16°) square Chiron in Aries (16°). You’ll find yourself assessing your self-image and flicking through childhood memories. You may want to retract your energy from world chaos and focus solely on your needs.

Cancer is a cardinal energy, and you may feel you want to accomplish many things. Take charge of your emotional states and follow your intuition. You are dissolving so many of your inner conflicts.

If you are facing any current unhappiness, ask yourself why you are unable to move out of the status. What are you not willing to face? What is the root cause of your problem? Blaming others safely keeps you from living in your full potential and thriving in victimhood. You are the keeper of your happiness and unhappiness.

This Cancer season can feel like sink or swim. Some will find serenity throughout this watery season. You will initiate the clearance of old behaviours and beliefs. Some will fall into the abyss and face the underworld for bigger shifts to happen. It feels intense and yet profoundly rewarding for anyone who perseveres. I hold space for each one of you to have faith in your own healing process.

Remember, life can be fun too. After all it is Summer now.


Next Newsletter I will write more about Uranus and north node conjunction in Taurus.

All my love,


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