Happy Birthday Gemini

Your mind is powerful will you use to make your world a better place?


The world has gone mad, it is a necessary step for humans to finally shift the mind! I mean humans haven’t really changed much over the eons! Humans still quarrel over land, love, and basic needs. They still wage wars on what is unfamiliar to them. All that is dark and light within us all, expresses itself through the mind. Through our troubled thoughts or our exhilarations. Am I right?

If our thoughts create our reality, how can we change what we create and make this world emotionally stable for all to enjoy? I don’t have a definitive answer. Evolution shows the nature of every organic species on Earth. We aren’t here to change this balance however we sure try. Is the world as it should be or is it imbalanced? Again, I don’t have the answer.

If you want to make meaningful impact in the world and you are ready to release your old ways of responding to life, work with your psyche.


Let’s wish our Gemini friends a Happy Birthday.

I love astrology because you have tangible data to use to your advantage and manoeuvre life. That is a gift from the universe and I encourage people to use astrology to get ahead in life. Let’s begin the channelling forecast for Gemini Season.

As the sun enters Gemini on May 21, the focus is on distilling your thoughts and understanding the influences that shaped your mind and what influences you today. With Mercury retrograde occurring in Gemini until Jun 1, you may more mental stimulation than usual and exhausted from the constant chatter.

In astrology, Gemini is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury, the messenger. Additionally, Gemini rules the third house also known as the house of communication. Old astrology refers to Gemini as the sign of communication in the form of writing and verbal skills including languages. When I teach you my approach to astrology, I teach you that all forms of expression are valid. Using your body could be your highest form of expression, like dancing or yoga. These days social media is a popular way of communicating. Sign language uses the body to express words, genius! With brail you use touch to “read” words. Sound vibrations are used for the hearing impaired. Sounds can shift your vibration from delight to disturbance! In NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming, it is notably taught that we are always saying something even when we are saying nothing. The study of body language is a fascinating example of non-verbal communication!


What is left to say?

Gemini is the ultimate iconoclast that has a knack for probing authority and loves to digest many topics for personal enjoyment. Opposite this information junkie is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is less concerned with fact checkers. This sign loves to explore theories and lives on instincts. Both mutable signs can get carried away in their ideologies and live in thought bubbles. Stay grounded throughout Gemini season and mind your p’s and q’s. The sharp tongue may get a whipping under the radar of Gemini’s dissection.

On May 25, you will see Mars enter Aries and on May 29, Mars will conjunct Jupiter (3°). With Chiron also in Aries, your energy is hyper focused on self. Further fuelled by planetary activity in Taurus, you will search for ways to create security. Life on Earth isn’t stable, and it is a futile attempt to find permanency, however, perseverance and preservation does yield rewards. You will create less anxiety about tomorrow if you keep this in mind. Tomorrow is a day that never comes. You can imagine your endeavours for tomorrow. However, you will only live and experience one day, one moment, at any given time. The humble lessons can be missed because your mind is projecting into other spaces.

The past and future can produce an abyss. You go to the past to find memories for pleasure or pain that keep you from facing the present. You go to the future to create fantasies that can also bring you pleasure and pain. Your ideal future can’t materialize until you make adjustments in the present. The now is where the changes happen and inner security is the truest way to create steadiness.

On May 28, you may feel more optimistic about life as Venus enters Taurus. Venus will inevitably make conjunctions with Uranus and the transiting north node. This transit will heighten your innermost desires for love and money. I will write more about that in my next blog. There is a liberating energy with the new moon on May 30 in Gemini (9°). Use these transits to express your heart’s desires to the universe and ask how to align with them. The possibilities are all there.

Saturn in Aquarius (25° to 19°) retrogrades from June 4 until October 8. In October, Saturn and Uranus square within a degree or two of each other. Saturn isn’t all bad if you know how to make friends with Saturn. It helps you focus on your goals and that leverage gets tasks completed. The lord of karma helps you spiritually ascend if you can be humble through Saturn’s tough love. This retrograde feels, especially positive and potent. Saturn helps you understand your place in the world and how to navigate it with grace and integrity. Immorality and impurities become humility when Saturn lessons are ignored.

Retrogrades provoke a negative reaction in many people. Oh no, I have to do the internal work. Haven’t I done enough? When does it end? It isn’t a rigid time but a wonderful second chance to address problems and find better solutions. You can draw upon previous experiences and make improvements. That is known as progress. That is what life and soul evolution is all about! Embrace retrogrades, they are going to happen every year and most of the year.

Overall, the beginning of Gemini season is a time to balance your thoughts and focus on the ideals that serve your road ahead. You may find pleasure in self-help material or engage in nourishing conversations with friends. You may feel a need to move your body and explore new locations. The air feels fresh, and I can hear laughter as people meet up. My heart feels warm, and my spirit feels nourished with the connections I am making. Find your fun side and stop worrying about tomorrow, enjoy today!

Below is a guide to Gemini season based on your rising sign and taking into account where all the planets are most active. You must always take into consideration your natal chart as it tells the whole story.

Aries Rising – You are searching for many answers to write a perfect profile that describes you. Remember you are always evolving through understanding what you value the most in life. You may be moving and pick up new studies.

Taurus Rising – This is time of deep personal awakening. Your true strengths and weakness are highlighted. You are learning a great deal about yourself, and the realizations will reverberate throughout all areas of your life.

Gemini Rising – There is a focus on building your outer world and you hear a distinctive calling to balance life with spirituality. The subtle shifts in your psyche have the potential to change your understanding on who you are serving and why?

Cancer Rising –There is a focus on ambitious pursuits so follow the money. Heed the warning to use good morals to climb the ladder of success because it can come crumbling down.

Leo Rising – You are also in a huge vortex to manifest your dream career and financial security. You are searching for the right people to support your ambitions. Be careful of agreements you make.

Virgo Rising – Your intellect is heightened, and you may feel unsure of where you are heading. Use your intuition and not your mind to find your way through the fog.

Libra Rising – You are redefining your beliefs and establishing new dynamics that thrill you and inspire your creativity. Others are teaching you much about yourself.

Scorpio Rising – You are in a dynamic time with Scorpio south node and Taurus north node in your first and seventh house, respectively. You are clearing your mind of evils that keep you from living authentically.

Sagittarius Rising – You are being pushed to align with people who support you soul’s mission. It is time to be bold and set the world on fire, metaphorically. Please don’t be an A …..

I am a Sag rising and I liked fire place when I was younger. Maybe it was because I was trying to release anger and trauma or because I was always bloody cold in sunshine shy UK. LOL!

Capricorn Rising – From daily life to home, things are being disrupted. The north node in Taurus is pointing you to be bold with your creative and sexual energy. Healing the ancestral footprints in your DNA will feel liberating!

Aquarius Rising – The bottom part of you chart is activated and focuses on healing self-worth sensitivities. You are also being awakened to creating security and balance in your professional and personal life.

Pisces Rising – You have some luck with how you earn your money that could lead to you to rethink where you contribute your efforts. You may let some professional relationships go. Don’t over spend your money.

Next newsletter I will write more about juicy Gemini season.

Sending Love.


The Mind Shift!


Astrologically More of May