Can Astrology Predict Career and Job Change?

The number one reason people seek help from me is when they have relationship issues. If you think about it, you are always in a relationship with someone, whether that is family, friends, love, job, or self. On a conscious and unconscious level, you are either attracted or repelled by a person’s vibration. Like a bee to a flower, attraction is programmed. Nature’s DNA has been programmed. Can you change your nature and find happiness Or is this programming a constant?

Read tips from Nita. She turned her misery into magic!

Are you miserable at your job? Unhappy with your career path? Can you change jobs and be happy?

Many people stick to jobs for security and a steady income. Many people genuinely want to excel and contribute to an organization. There is a higher percentage of people who just want to do their job and go home. One thing in common we all have is, when we feel unhappy in our jobs or careers, we begin questioning is this right for us?

When unhappy at work?

You begin looking for a new job and you are optimistic you will find a better environment. You are excited at the prospect of leaving your current job and can’t wait to tell your current boss to stick it where the sun don’t shine! You look forward to not working with difficult people.

That great day arrives, and you fill relieved you have secured a new job. You start your new job and get to know new people and enter new relationships. You give the new job your best! Some time passes and you wake up with dread! The dread is familiar, and once again you notice you’re increasingly unhappy.

Spoiler alert, if you don’t look for the answers to your problems, you simply transfer all those unconscious unresolved emotions to the next job.

When you begin to understand why you keep attracting the same situation, you have the capacity to release everything associated with the unresolved emotions. Once eliminated from your mind’s eye, you are free of the hurt and no longer attracted to any relationship that also harbours the same emotional tension.

You cannot peacefully collaborate with others when you are not aware of your own conflicts. Self-awareness is powerful. Self-loathing is destructive. The two are potent in shaping relationships. With self-awareness you are equipped to listen to others without judgement, and aware of your own emotions. This vulnerability allows you to own your faults and humbly accept any errors on your part.

Self-destruction is an inability to connect to the unconscious unresolved past pain. It becomes the driving force in your life that constantly attracts you back into unhealthy relationships. Most people will not want to look at their unconscious behaviours and limitations. It is too painful to admit the first person must change. They happily will blame others for their problems. You will meet resistance to change.

Many people blame the universe and God. However, these forces are all within you. A few years ago, I stopped believing in God and blaming the universe for not delivering my needs. My unanswered prayers were constantly setting me up to feel disappointed! I realized that I had to believe in myself. I began sorting myself out. If my goals have not materialized, I hold myself accountable not a force outside of me. I know I must work on what is stopping me from moving towards accomplishing my outcomes. The tangible and tremendous power of NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming has helped me move towards my desired outcomes.


Learning what is causing your unhappiness will help you take important steps away from unconscious coding that keeps you in the revolving door of unfulfillment.


Are you ready to take that self-discovery journey to understand the programming that keeps you away from being happy in your job, or making a career change to something that aligns with your life purpose and inspires you every day?

Change is necessary, imminent, and a crucial part of your evolution.

Many of these predictable changes can also be found on your natal (birth) chart.


Sending Love,



Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus


Scorpio Season 2022!