Scorpio Season 2022!

Scorpio could be the epitome of human life. It is the sign that delves into psychology, money matters, karma, and life cycles. Scorpio evokes passion, especially, exploring sexual intimacy from every angle.  This social sign is ruled by Pluto, the epic transformer of all human concerns. The icy planet is a slow page turner that deeply effects the collective and personal. With Scorpio, no stone is left unturned due to its piercing curiosity and innate need to look behind the facades! The unhealed being can develop manipulative manners and a healthy being is equipped to awaken your mind and heart!


Reset for the soul in Scorpio season!

To fully understand the intensity of Scorpio and Taurus nodes, please refer to previous blogs, links are below in red. I’ve explain their significance and intensity, and why I believe it is one the most important times in human history!

Scorpio/Taurus Eclipses

Guide to Eclipses

Scorpio Season

Currently, you know much is happening under the surface. Dreamtimes have been bonkers, undoing what cannot be handled in the conscious waking states. You may not have a clear picture of your future. However, you should have an idea of what you don’t want to carry into your future!

With the next two eclipses at the south node (past, innate gifts) in Scorpio and the north node (unknown, fate, future) in Taurus, there is a reset happening and you will feel your spirit floating out of your current experiences into new territories. For some you can already feel the big breakthroughs are near. You are not wrong!

On October 23, Sun and Venus enter Scorpio and Saturn goes direct in Aquarius (18°), still making a square to Uranus in Taurus (17°). In Scorpio season, the Sun, Venus and Mercury will oppose Uranus and north node in Taurus (13° – 18°), this will create urges to take bold steps.

The sun is you, your soul and creativity. The moon is your emotions and unconscious mind. Venus is your likes and dislikes. Mercury is all things to do with expressing yourself. Uranus shakes things up in a big way. In Taurus it is very much contented to what you value and self-worth. Ruled by Venus you are exploring likes, dislikes, and money. Uranus needs a cause and seeks freedom, you could say the freedom fighter. But you must learn which battles are worth fighting and when to let go. Being humble is good! Being blinded by ego brings pain. Look at the wars we wage on each other! Use the nodes and Uranus influence to align with your legacy and purpose!

You are still required to work with Saturn, the hardworking score keeper! Saturn brings your fears to the surface. Your fears can be managed with sensibility in place. Fears are needed to help us discern from healthy and unhealthy people, situations and behaviours. They keep you safe.

Can you let the pass finally rest and enjoy this moment? Can you appreciate all your efforts? They are about to pay off if you’ve indulged in self-care/healing processes!

You may find peace in deep meaningful communications with a divination (Mercury in Scorpio) that helps you find answers to your burning questions, and help you find life direction. You may flip your whole script and shake up life or others will shake things up for you. Remember, south node helps you release the past and where your innate gifts and strengths are discovered. Things you’ve carried over from the past albeit, ancestral or past lives, depending on your beliefs. North node is unfamiliar and nudges you to explore new territories for growth and change to happen.

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

On October 25, Scorpio (11/12°) solar eclipse ends old cycles for a new chapter to begin. You will feel energy leave your whole body as you relax into the dawning of new beginnings. You may feel excited and exhausted all at the same time. This is especially true for people with Scorpio rising, moon, and sun or planets, aspects near these degrees.

October 28, Jupiter dips back into Pisces and won’t be back for another 12 years or so. You want to let your hair down and have some fun before this year ends. Go for it! You can assimilate the lessons of Jupiter’s stint in Aries. Some may dive into unchartered territories and be bolder! Look at your Aries house cusp to understand which area of your life Jupiter will impact in 2023. You’ve had glimpses of it this year. I will write more about this next time and include a guide for 2023.

Mars in Gemini

October 30, Mars will go retrograde in Gemini (13°) and stay in Gemini until March 2023. This is right on my natal Saturn in my 7th house. Oh my, I know I will need to tread carefully in all my relationships because Mars is impatient and let’s say passionately keen to get things done! I already intuit it is going to help me build great relationships and boost all my career endeavours. Steady your temper and learn how to earn respect with others. You can accomplish a great deal if you use this energy with wisdom and maturity! Where is your Gemini house cusp. Click here to read full blog on Mars in Gemini.


In Scorpio season, you can reach new depths and make many necessary upgrades to your system! While the intensity feels heightened, the breakthroughs will lead to great rewards so don’t shy away from confronting whatever the universe puts on your path. It is going to be a beautiful clearing of chaos and karma. The ending of hundreds of years and cycles that has kept your soul looping in turmoil. You may suddenly change directions or have a change of mind and heart. Allow your soul to guide you into a promising future and follow your passions for a total rebirth to happen. The new beginnings should bring delights, especially if you begin working towards your passions. I’m launching my passion project in November, I will share next time.

Next newsletter, I will write more about what to expect in 2023. For a look at your 2023+, please click below “book a session” button. Sign up for newsletter for discounted rates for community members only.

Sending much love always,



Can Astrology Predict Career and Job Change?


Scorpio and Taurus Eclipses 2022