Happy Birthday Aries and Hello Spring

On March 20, the sun moves into Aries. Let’s wish our Aries friends a happy birthday! Aries is great for new beginnings and letting go of the past cycle(s). It marks the beginning of spring and promises fun in the sun. Every year I ask the same thing. Wouldn’t it make more sense to start the Gregorian calendar on April 1? New Year’s Eve celebrations would be less cold!


Aries is ruled by Mars. The planet is vigorous and sometimes exhausting energy that brings folly! Mars transits can intensify and agitate unmet needs. One way or another it creates a force that moves you forward in life. Something is broken open for a resolution to be reached. In Astrology, Mars is known as a personal planet and influences the way you handle life’s challenges. Are you combative and deflective? Are you an exemplary leader with charm and true grit?

The generalizations about Aries are they can be warm, charming, impulsive, and creative leaders. They are known as the children of the zodiac and seek adventures and are excitable. On the flip side, they can be rough around the edges. Aries represents our will and ego, and our individual expression. Having a personality isn’t the issue. Conflicts occur with how we use our unhealthy traits to manoeuvre the world. Aries rules the head/mind and also marks the terrible twos. You have a Mars return every 2 to 2 ½ years.

As I’ve mentioned before, when the pandemic became a global crisis in February 2020, Mars was in Capricorn along with the transformative energy of Pluto. A biological war ensued. We began a personal metamorphosis. In January 2022, Mars once again met Pluto in Capricorn along with Venus and we’ve all felt the wrath of them coming together. They are hot and bothered like a sizzling summer affair.  Agreements aren’t reached. You may have been feeling all this tension within yourself, around you and erupting in your own lives.

Now Mars and Venus move through Aquarius, you are left feeling depleted and bewildered. You may have had some big shifts and are forced to re-evaluate the area(s) of life this transit impacted.

On March 28, Venus Conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius (21°) urging us to flirt with destiny and take care of feelings of doubt and unworthiness. And if you reach the point of exhilaration and feeling hopeful about your life, congratulations! I celebrate your triumph over your emotions with you! If you feel wobbly, dig in and use this strong conjunction to manage the fears. Fears are very Saturnian notions. Fear itself isn’t the killer, it is the inability to face the fear.

For example, embedded in my natal chart, is a fear of not having financial security. I’ve faced so many adverse times including homelessness. I’ve learnt from the rough times and this aspect. To help me feel financially secure I try to have some savings. I am hyper aware that financial security is fleeting so I don’t spend money travelling. You can see my conflicts. What fears do you have? How do you manage the problem?

On April 2, Sun, Mercury, and Chiron are conjunct in Aries (12°) in a new moon phase. Peace talks can bring a twisted conclusion. I feel this is on a personal and global level! Everyone wants to express themselves and be heard and seen, so listen and be heard. Use compassionate tones when dealing with others. Earnest diplomacy wins the day. The planetary movements bring incredible clarity as you deconstruct your ancestral footprints and gain power over your own mind and heart. Something new wants to be birthed.

On April 3, Venus moves into Pisces and will soon meet Jupiter and Neptune. For now, your hopes are high, your dreams for a better life are heightened. You want the universe to provide you with certainty as you move forward trusting you’ve done enough healing. You are ready for the next chapter of your life. I believe it can be a turning point for so many of us.

On April 4-6, Mars is conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (22°) and squares the Taurus North Node. Expect heightened energy. You may feel defeated or determined setting off healing trilogy. Fight, Flight, Freeze. With the nodes in Scorpio and Taurus, the underworld meets the physical, meets the ethereal and you could feel trapped between worlds. Wherever you are on your journey, the theme for 2022 remains, stay grounded and connected to yourself has you deal with the undercurrent of tension throughout this year. Facing the waves of strong emotions and eruptions is a necessary process that aids upgrading your outlook on life. The healing process can be exhilarating and not all full of tears!

Overall, Aries season is another interesting turning point for humanity and everything that exists on Earth. I don’t know why I feel this. I just have a strong feeling more transformations are about to happen. Again, on a personal and collective level.

You should feel excited about the endless possibilities that can unfold if you follow your intuition. With Aries fortitude, you should find it easier to accomplish many things and see the rewards of your self-growth work. Continue focusing on your personal aspirations. Cut out combative dynamics through self-examination. If you enter any explosive communications take stock of your triggers.

If you could change all the awful conscious and unconscious memories in your mind to happier scenarios, would you? If this was the magic process that gave you confidence and positivity to handle life’s challenges with grace, would you go through the healing process?  

Try this Exercise

If you want to change your outlook, try this simply visualization exercise.

Write down a problem you want to resolve on a piece of paper. If others are involved, write everyone on the paper. Put them in any order or position that feels right to you. You can record your whole session, so you are completely immersed in the exercise and not worried about journaling your findings.

Stand or sit in what marks the problem. (Position A) Think about the problem. Note any unease in your mind and body. If others are involved, imagine them in their positions. Note any discomfort or ease.

Now, ask your unconscious mind the following questions. You may be surprised by the answers if you are completely honest with yourself.

·         What does this problem do for me?

·         What is this problem teaching me about myself?

·         Why is this a problem in my life?

Now, step into a neutral space and ask your unconscious mind for ONLY positive learnings from this problem. Even if the problem is unpleasant. (Position B) There are always valuable lessons we are gaining. Move into a neutral space if it is too painful, you are not reliving any bad memories.

Some examples of positive learnings; I was too young. They had other responsibilities. They were unwell. Everyone was doing their best. They didn’t have good communication skills. I felt obligated, trapped, etc. Stay intuitively in tuned and keep going until you’ve got enough.

Next, take all these wonderful positive learnings, and see yourself and anyone else involved in the problem being the best versions of themselves. Imagine everyone being amicable. Hear the loving collaboration. Feel how this positive environment feels. Breathe in this new scenario, relaxed and confident now everyone is understood including yourself.

Now, step back into the problem with all this upgraded energy. (Position A) You should be feeling good. Take some steps out forward into your future knowing that everyone is happy. Send all these positive vibes back to yourself and anyone in the scenario. The goal is to feel enriched by your own decision making process and the new associations you’ve made with the problem. Imagine how amazing your future is and all the things you desire are within already yours.

Imagine if you had the best childhood with caregivers who loved you unconditionally, how different you would be today? While you can’t change the past, you have every right and power to heal it. Remember, we don’t process negativity. No, not, cruelty, abuse, etc. When atrocities occur, our spirits are compelled to rescue and heal. First save yourself. Others may not welcome your overbearing ways.


Next newsletter, what’s on the other side. Do the above homework.

Sending lots of love,



Put the Past Behind


Epic Pisces Season