Put the Past Behind

Chiron helps you heal the past


While many astrologers falsely led us to believe Jupiter in Pisces would have us all feeling giddy euphoria, I could feel 2022 was going to be chaotic. Another reason why schooling through antiquated textbooks only takes you so far.

I know I keep mentioning Scorpio/Taurus Nodes shaking the collective and individual, I could feel global projection of hysteria and unhealed confusion as we grasp to find stability after the pointless pandemic saga.

Pisces is floaty. Ruled by Neptune, this frozen giant isn’t easy to navigate. The groundless planet has you questioning your existence and purpose to exist. Your emotions feel weightless and while you float through space on this sphere, you enter a time of yearning.

So what can I give you, while trying to find my own way through my turbulence, literally as I’m flying to Madeira as I write this tardy blog?

Your mind is the problem, and it has always been the issue in this alien world. Until your minds are right, you will battle with the same problems whether rich or poor. The mentality of having, earning, conquering, establishing authority in this world dooms us all.

Daily you witness people’s cry for attention from social media to personal interactions. Humans are needy! Psychology is used everywhere, and the emotional spear is thrown to catch you in a net of emotional turmoil. I saw more death in 2022 and I know I’ve battled with staying on Earth. Trying to find a reason to stay here.

The Aries sun has passed over Chiron, the wounded healer, your deep wounds are a gateway to heal the pass. One way or another the season is filled with intense bursts of self-mutilations from verbal to physical. Will you remain a victim of what you’ve stored in your unconscious mind, or will you dig deep to find the positive messages?


Whenever you hear your negative talk and you begin to spiral in your thoughts, write them down.

Feel where in your body you feel the energy.

Hold your hands on the hurt parts.

Send yourself love to the hurt parts.

If you can’t get any closer to the hurt part and feel uncomfortable looking any deeper, don’t! When I work with you in sacred medicine circles, I teach you to enter with love.  Guess what, you’ll come out the other side with love. Entering any hurt with hurt may not help you find compassion at the end of the healing journey. This is not to say you can’t feel anger, frustration, you should feel whatever emotion arises and helps you to expel any past pain.

Sit with your hurt like it is a child you are comforting. Just play and nurture them. Hear what they need to say to you. See what they are showing you (be an observer), breathe through any discomfort. Once you feel you’ve done enough, walk a few steps away from your original space. You should feel some relief in your body.

Next blog, April 30 – Taurus solar eclipse, Venus Conjunct Jupiter, Pluto is retrograde.

Sending lots of love.


Happy Birthday Taurus


Happy Birthday Aries and Hello Spring