Happy Birthday Taurus

Solar Eclipse helps open up something and a new chapter of life begins.


If 2022 started off difficult for you, you are not alone. Many clients had hardships at the beginning of this year. It was so raw for me I would’ve rather died. But things get stirred up so you can face the old wounds and transform into positive learnings. I am grateful I have all my tools to help me see my way through even the roughest times. I hope you have your tools.

Let’s wish Taurus our Earth Lover’s a Happy birthday!!

Good news, Taurus season ushers in grounded and focused energy. The vibration is uplifting and helps you feel alive again. After all, Taurus is an Earth sign and we are here to live a life! Death is always looming with Scorpio opposition. For now, let this cycle signify rebirth as you move from one chapter of your life into great new beginnings.  

You may feel now is when 2022 begins and life starts to make more sense. In numerology, 2022 is a 6 (2+0+2+2=6). It enhances your needs to stabilise plans while curbing any impulsive urges and simultaneously throws the collective off balance.

With two eclipses in Taurus season, pay close attention to this season if you have a Taurus Rising, sun or moon. The next couple of years are filled with significant awakenings. See below Eclipse table. This week, I’ve had several clients whose birthday’s fall on the day of the eclipses and had no idea of these astrological events. It just confirms the powerful influence our planets and neighbours have on our lives.

Eclipse table for 2022 - 2024

April 20, the sun moves into Taurus and you may feel many emotions as the eclipses sway your body from one emotion to another. Reminder, 2022 is all about staying grounded. The world is in chaos and the only way you can remain sane is to find a routine and do normal things again. Stability comes in many different forms.

April 29, Pluto in Capricorn (28°) goes retrograde until October 8th. And Mercury enters Gemini and retrogrades from May 10 until June 3. The language of indiscretion meets the volatile or harmonious, whichever way it goes resolutions are made. This can be a deep self-reflection time and you are making agreements with self and others. Pluto helps us face the unconscious grief and allow something beautiful and new to blossom.

April 30, the first eclipse of the year takes place in Taurus (10 °). Jupiter and Venus are conjunct in Pisces (27 °).

With this solar eclipse (sun and moon conjunction), a long cycle ends leaving you feeling more optimistic and realistic about the future you desire. You are being prepped for a grand entrance into a future that looks clearer. If your fears trample your progress, you must face them. You are healing self-worth issues and regaining trust in your innate gifts and strengths.

Escape into the living and having fun. Play in a fantasy world and add some self-care routines into your life. This is a great day to manifest your deepest lusts and grandiose is a must!

May 4/5 - Sun and Uranus are conjunct in Taurus at (14°).

This conjunction occurs between the two eclipses. I can’t shake the feeling something big is stirred up in the collective of nuclear proportions. Something hits the airwaves and again humanity is tested. The visions are of an explosion which can represent an actual explosion and/or something breaking open within the individual and collective consciousness.

Overall, the next two weeks can restore hope and feel like a fresh start. The opportunities presented for growth can come in many different forms so pay attention. While global chaos ensues, you can find life rewarding if you concentrate on what is in front of you instead of leaning too far out into the unknown future.

In my next newsletter, I will write more about the upcoming eclipses.

Sending Love.


Eclipse Season & New Chapter In Life


Put the Past Behind