Sagittarius Horoscope 2022

The fiery mutable energy has stirred up many emotions for people. Many unconscious behaviours and limitations are bubbling to the surface. This is a great time to transmute those feelings of inadequacies and see your brilliance. See the beauty of living life and how one experience is a simple step to the next experience.


Recently, I had a client who called for direction in her career. I asked her, what fuels her passion? Throughout the entire reading she repeatedly said, “I don’t know”. “I don’t know what I want”. “I don’t know what I like”. I intuited this was a great time in her life to be free and experiment and explore life. I asked, “There must be something you enjoy?” She answered, “I don’t know.” I offered an astrology reading, she refused. Was I blocked, or her!?

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and represents expansion. You are encouraged to broaden your horizons and journey beyond your current orbit. This is a great time to review beliefs that you want to modify or discard. You are allowed to grow and venture out to foreign lands and topics.

Full moon in Gemini

On December 8, the full moon in Gemini (16°) is conjunct Mars.

You will certainly feel the undercurrents of emotions from others and self. Your insecurities peak and you may feel agitated, anxious, and ready to set things ablaze. Reflect on the root of your troubles before expressing/projecting onto others.

This potent full moon brings great insights that can allow you to break away from personal vendettas. Your intuition is heightened, listen to the guidance, it can set you on a great new path. Find for fuller guidance. Read your guide to Mars in Gemini.

Mercury and Venus enter Capricorn really heating up your personal life. With a mix of Pluto at (28°) in Capricorn and fiery freedom loving Sagittarius, there is a trigger to breakaway from traditions had head for higher spiritual faith. Climb that spiritual mountain, you will find you are not alone and no doubt pick up other devotees.

Jupiter enter Aries

On December 20th, you will feel the shift as Jupiter leaves watery Pisces into fiery action driven Aries. This gives you a new perspective on how to live life. This great mixture will make 2023 feel like you are in a formula one racing event. If you use the energy wisely, this can be a very productive time. Read Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter’s magnetic field reaches us all the way on Earth. It shields us from many cosmic elements and its expansive energy can whirl our hearts and minds. Great adventures are to be had, spiritual or physical. This energy is playful, indulgent, and unapologetic. It is important to find balance between being kind and frivolous with money, hurting others and harming self.

The Vibes

The vibes are a combination of fresh and irritability. Remember, you are an instinctual being, use your senses when you are stuck for words. What are you feeling? Take charge of navigating your own emotions. Key is to listen to your dialogue and take ownership of what you project. Take some deep breaths before engaging in uncomfortable conversations. Know yourself so you can communicate your needs with compassion and clarity. Most importantly go play!


Stay tuned, I am preparing a blog with 2023 predictions. Additionally, I will be posting more blogs with helpful self-healing tips and tools from shifting your mindset, finding spiritual balance, and future predictions.

Sending love,



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Handling the Holiday Season


Sagittarius Season 2022