Why is Leo season BIG?

Before I get into why Leo season is big, let’s wish our Leo friends a happy birthday.

Happy birthday Leos!


Leo is a fixed sign, meaning it endures, has tenacity, needs control, often self-regulated, goal orientated, stubborn, and uneasy with change, hence, the term “fixed” sign. The other fixed signs are Taurus (self-preservation), Scorpio (psychology), and Aquarius (visionary).

Leo is ruled by the sun and center of our solar system. Leo also represents egocentricity and generosity. This necessary solar energy yields positivity when you are trying to align with your soul’s purpose. This personal drive awakens your senses to wanting more. You seek to express your creation, the reason why you are here. In Astrology, Leo is the fifth house which represents boldness, sexual affairs and procreation. The sun helps everything on Earth bloom. Without the sun’s life-giving rays there would be darkness on Earth. Famous people have a prominent Leo or Sun placement in their natal (birth) charts, they are risk takers and like the limelight. How they handle the attention is a different story.

Saturn in Aquarius

Opposite Leo is Aquarius, the misunderstood humanitarian and alleged lone wolf that is currently housing Saturn. If you feel constraints through Leo season, Saturn is deterring you from impulsiveness, and set your life on fire, in the wrong way! Heed Saturn’s protective fatherly love and fact check before leaping into action. The hypocrisy that follows impetuous movements could be costly later.

Leo new moon and Jupiter in Aries

On July 28, there is a new moon in Leo and Jupiter in Aries (8°), goes retrograde until November 24. Jupiter will be dipping back into Pisces (28°) and then finally move forward into Aries December 21, 2022. If you need a reset or end soul crushing dissatisfaction, here is your chance to begin manifesting your heart’s desires. Ground your ideas into some concrete form such as writing, visions boards, etc. This cathartic exercise is perfect to bring your ideas into this earthly plane versus ruminating in your mind.

2022 Retrogrades

From August 28, 2022 until Jan 22, 2023, Uranus will be retrograde in Taurus (4°-8°). Currently, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune are also retrograde. Mercury will go retrograde from September 10 to Oct 2nd. I’ve been feeling September is going to be another monumental transformational time. Lastly, Mars will go retrograde from Oct 30, 2022 to Jan 12, 2023, in Gemini (4°-8°). Mars only retrogrades approximately every 2 years. The last time Mars was retrograde is September to November 2020, in it’s home sign Aries! I will write more about this next time. Shall we tackle one planetary event at a time? I think so.

Approximately half the year, you are living under retrograde influences. I refer to retrogrades as a time for refinements. A time to reflect and appreciate your accomplishments and cherish the wisdom you’ve gained from your past experiences. A time to make amendments and regroup before moving forward.


As you can see from this transit chart for Aug 1, 2022, Leo season is active. Do you prefer I list the major dates and aspects? Or do you prefer the way I write my channelings? I’d like to cater to your preferences and would love your feedback.

Image from app Astromatrix

Changing times

When I was given the title for my second audiobook, “The Courageous Awakening”, I thought it was audacious. LOL! Who do I think I am?! The messages I received make sense now. Human DNA is shifting incrementally and will continue for the next 50+ years. predicted, 2020 was the major turning point! I’m deeply humbled by the channellings. By the way, both audiobooks are free on my website. I channelled them in 1 sitting and they are raw.

I am currently working on my third book. Slowly, I am receiving details about why we are here and what is past this existence. I have a feeling it is not what we believe. I believe this is the ending of all cycles for the soul to truly be free!

Changing of power, changing of guards.

In the UK, PM Johnson is stepping down. The long standing Japanese PM was gunned down. All over the world there is a revolution rising against the old regimens. The younger generation want the world to match their soul’s collective mission. The lines are all blurred before the new emerges.

Why is Leo season big?

Between July 30 to August 11th Uranus and transiting north node in Taurus (18°) are conjunct. Exact conjunction on July 31st. The showstopper is on Aug 1, when Mars meets Uranus and Taurus north node initiating a need for big changes. Uranus is the great awakener, Mars is the initiator, and the nodes take you off auto pilot and help your evolution.

For months, I’ve been feeling something big is about to break! You will let me know as I don’t watch news. Uranus is known as an outer planet and affects the collective. It leads the people to revolt from antiquated systems and think about new innovative ways to live. It is the freedom fighter, the rebel. But don’t follow coup blindly.

Mars and the nodes are personal. Something beautiful is about to emerge as you feel the urge to break away from your old life. This astrological event will bring ample opportunities to direct you towards the next chapter in your life. Opportunities can come in the form of people, places, thoughts, situations. With Mars and Uranus, the changes are quick and all too real! Neither beat around the bush nor stick around to check if your feelings are hurt! You may have already been feeling that something big is going to happen.

Opposite Taurus north node is Scorpio south node. You must release the old (Scorpio south node) to make way for the new (Taurus north node). If you have any aspects or planets within 3° to 5° of this event or in fixed signs you will feel this more intensely.

Be gentle with yourself and stay grounded. Use this epic conjunction to connect with yourself and extract your soul’s purpose and more. Your are learning how to upgrade your mind to match your generations and the next generations purpose.

Think Sir David Attenborough. He is a prime example of old and new. He has moved with the times and yet he is way ahead of his times.

There are clashes within you. Until you align with your values, your soul will feel uneasy being on this plane. This big event is your time to have those deeper inner conversations. Be broken open and stop holding onto any traits, thoughts, beliefs that keep you distracted from your truth. Either because you are too lazy to make the changes and yet still expect your life to change! Or because you don’t want face the obvious. Or you don’t know how to. Only you can make the changes. There are so many tools to help you break the mould! The ancestral mould!

Each generation is here to shift the previous generation. Good or bad. The planets and stars are just as important in our evolution as anyone else you meet in your life.

Will you be courageous!?

I trust you will!

I’d love to know what the universe brings your way.


Next newsletter, I will write about shifting your mindset and connecting to your heart brain.


Sending lots of love.


Potent Full Moon in Aquarius


Heal Issues from the Root