Potent Full Moon in Aquarius

Fixed T-Square Shakes up life!


Has Leo Season got you feeling energized?

Did the ground shake for you throughout the major conjunction between Mars, Uranus and the North node in Taurus (18°)? Don’t worry, there is more to come, keep reading. The psychological shifts (Scorpio south node) are happening in the unconscious and subconscious spaces.

Have you noticed that you feel better in some seasons and yet struggle through other seasons? For instance, when the sun transits through water signs, I struggle! I wake up feeling defeated before my feet even hit the ground, and my mattress is on the floor! Lol! In fire seasons (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), I feel great! Which season makes you feel blue and which season makes you feel alive?

Did you know the planets’ placements in your natal (birth) chart hold your soul’s footprint? The planets and stars are helping you evolve throughout your life in subtle and apparent ways. Your soul’s journey dictates the way you express your natal chart. I know plenty of twins who have identical natal charts. They are unalike each other and are living life very differently.

Vedic or Western Astrology?

Additionally, did you know it doesn’t matter which astrology method/system you use? I’ve looked at my natal chart through the lens of Western and Vedic astrology. They both show my soul’s journey is the same. Two different Vedic astrologers read my natal chart and concluded, if I’m unwed by the time I am age 45, it will never happen for me. I already felt cursed and very unlovable, I felt doomed!

In Western Astrology, it is clear that I would meet someone later in life. I met the love of my life at age 47, a year after I left USA! I felt his energy intuitively and he kept showing up in my FLP – Future Life Progression sessions, cheeky monkey!

Once you begin to decode your natal chart you will find so much liberation. Astrology holds many clues to your past, present, and future. Astrology was the first tool that helped me understand the tremendous turmoil that was my life. I disconnected from unhealthy family dynamics and sorted my life out! Astrology helped me see my soul’s purpose and lessons. FLP helped me see how to use my natural artistic and intuitive gifts to serve. NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming helped me move the blocks. Plant medicine is another great helper. Luckily, we live in times were so many science findings along with incredible holistic tools are available for self-growth.

Next Generations

While studying current transits, I think about the generation born under the influences of the placements. What is their collective purpose? In my second audiobook, I’ve dumbed the generation born around 2020, “The new adventurers.” In twenty, thirty years from now, when they are young adults, they will change the face of everything! From science, politics to agriculture and education. Once the younger generation begin to serve their time in the public service sector, they will inevitably demolition centuries old laws. They will desire to embed laws that are relevant to this epoch.

“just like you and me, the planets and stars have a soul, pulse, and purpose. It is no coincidence you have come to Earth to work with this solar system and galaxy”.

The human mind is magnificent and feeble at the same time. In our constant drive to learn, preserve, and survive, we destroy too. It will even hold onto the absurd to preserve its existence. This side of the psyche is so visible with scammers and swindlers on every level. Feast or famine!



Here, are some potent transits for the rest of Leo season. On August 11/12, there is a full moon in Aquarius (18°). Full moons happen when the sun is opposite the moon and the moon reflects the sun’s light. Now, you can fully see the illuminated side of the moon, it brings awareness, light to matters previously unseen, or unwilling to see.


This full moon makes a fixed T-square that is configured with Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius, the new ruler and old ruler of Aquarius, respectively. Uranus shakes things up to break the chains of “norms”. Saturn is the tough love karma lord. Saturn reveals your deep seated fears and inferiority, superiority complexes so you can use them to learn and grow. We see this with bad leaders, managers at work, etc. Fixed signs help you build something long term. They can take time to build but with Uranus the changes are swift if you get onboard with the universal plan for you and the collective.

With this T-Square, imagine sitting in a room where you can feel the tension and it is rather uncomfortable. You know something needs to move for the energy to change. You either break the tension with a simple hello, or you leave the room, or you uncover what is under the awkwardness. The energy will be altered by your actions. Inaction will prolong the unhealthy dynamics.

On the same day, Venus moves into Leo spicing up life. Leo is ruled by the sun so you may feel passionate about creating your ideal life. You want to be noticed and admired. Leos are full of life like the sun and can be generous. It is time to shine light on your desires!!

Use this potent time to work through any fears and anxiety. Sometimes you need to be uncomfortable to get comfortable.

If you can imagine it, if you believe it, you can have it!

One word: Desires!

Next newsletter, a special blog just on Mars retrograde in Gemini.

Sending lots of Love.


Virgo & Mars Retrograde in Gemini, 2022


Why is Leo season BIG?