Virgo & Mars Retrograde in Gemini, 2022

Read Your Guide to Mars RX in Gemini.


Happy birthday dear Virgo friends.

On August 23rd, our Virgo friends celebrate their entry into this world! Virgo is ruled by Mercury. This mutable Earth sign has a need for perfection. They are great analysers and researchers and are great students. Most Virgos are challenged with perfecting before taking action. Opposite Virgo is Pisces, the sign of escapism into transcendental realms, they are carefree spirits, they do and ask later!

Has the sun moves through Virgo season you may feel a deep yearning for more! A time to know yourself better and invest in self-growth. There is a need to eliminate any chaos and organize your priorities before Autumn (Fall) season arrives. Trust your inner guidance to help you connect to the heart and soul of your current life problems. Use the duality of Virgos great intellectual side to ground yourself, and use Pisces spiritual energy to create inner peace. This energy is potent to find clarity and find balance and healing. I have many close friends who are Virgos/Pisces people. Do you connect better with some signs versus other signs?

My descendant (7th house) is in Gemini. Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury. In astrology, your descendant is the 7th house and represents all your relationships, legal contracts (marriage, business, etc), open enemies (divorce, etc). It can be a karmic house as it rules love and money. The 7th house can give you clues to your relationship lessons and karma in this lifetime.

Mars Retrograde in Gemini

Talking about Gemini, on August 20, Mars enters Gemini for a long seven months due to its retrograde (25° to 8°) motion from October 30, 2022 until January 12, 2022. Mars will finally leave Gemini on March 26, 2023 and enter Cancer. Normally, Mars spends about 2 to 2 ½ months per sign.


As I was channelling this blog, I was prompted to find previous times when Mars was retrograde in Gemini. You know my intuition said, cast a chart for 1944! Sure enough, I found Mars entered Gemini on August 24, 1943 and was retrograde (22° to 4°) from Oct 28, 1943 until January 10, 1944. Mars moved into Cancer on March 29, 1944. See below Chart.


Other times Mars RX in Gemini

Oct 1958 – War and Peace, baby boomers. See below chart.

Oct 1990  - Dessert Storm 2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991. See below chart.



In astrology, Gemini rules the third house. It is a mutable air sign and represents your giveth and taketh of communications or your highest form of expression including using your body to express language and emotions. Mutable signs are less rigid and adapt easier to changes. On the other hand, they can be unpredictable and ungrounded. Some say Gemini is a trickster, tricky energy. The scattered energy can feel discombobulated and hard to grasp. This chatty iconoclast loves to dive into many topics. This energy has a busy mental field and may get lost in numerous thoughts going in many directions. Gemini energy is analytical like Virgo. A refined grounded Gemini is brilliant and highly intelligent with a super computer brain. How would you describe the Geminis in your life?


In modern astrology, Mars rules Aries. The first sign and the child of the zodiac (I am). In ancient astrology, Mars rules Scorpio. The sign of psychology, transformations, and money. Scorpio is now ruled by Pluto. I use modern planets but whole house system. As per my previous blog, it doesn’t matter which system you use, conclusions are the same! This red planet has been dubbed the planet of war and action. The real war begins within the human mind. If you (I am) don’t feel accepted for who you are or unloved, the spillage of hurts flow into many areas of your life including neighbourly knockouts, family feuds, co-worker combats, civil wars, global wars, etc. These assumptions create the indignations.

The way I teach astrology; I call Mars the planet of necessary opposition. This sister planet to Earth has notions of rivalry, tension, and passion. Wrapped up in this human experience is love, hierarchy, and anarchy. All these concepts give you a desire to do create movement that something leads you to participate in life and exercise your individuality! You desire to express your will.

You are being prompted to take brave steps forward in shifting your mindset. If you use logic, remain calm, unprovoked, and lead by example, this astrology event promises to be productive, impactful, passionate, and fun.


Earth life would be very different if there was world peace! Would we be bored without conflict? Would we continue reincarnate on Earth if there was NO conflict to resolve with another soul? That is another blog.


Mars in Gemini will no doubt shift communication channels.

In 2021, I predicted a year or so after the pandemic there will be leaks, whistle blowers coming out to tell “truths” about Covid-19. I won’t be surprised if we begin to see documents published around the dynamics that shut down the world.

Don’t buy into mass media news! Real journalism has died!

People want to take back control of their lives and stop spending time trying to fact check misinformation. Is this the turning point for social media outlets? Is this when people wake up and start setting social media boundaries? Is this when people begin to reconnect to their values and prioritize what is important to them?

New forms of communication channels can be birthed at this time. If you have a brilliant idea, don’t be afraid to build the mechanics, now. People will catch on before the next decade.


On a personal level, this will be a great time to work with your inner child. You may experience surges of intense emotional and mental charges. If you work with your hurts, you can make ample permanent breakthroughs. You can expedite your growth and healing in the latter part of 2022. Bring in the 2023 with a blank slate. The depths of peace you can achieve can give you a new outlook on your life.


Below is your individual guide to Mars RX, per rising sign (akas first house, ascendant)

Aries Rising – Connecting with intelligent people will inspire you to learn about new topics. You may want to travel or move to a new space. You are reassessing your early childhood experiences and healing the relationships that shaped you.

Taurus Rising – Your sense of self-worth is feeling high or gript in an internal war. You must heal these deep wounds and assumptions you’ve made about yourself. If you want security in your life, start working with your gifts and strengths. Massive personal transformation time.

Gemini Rising – You are ready to make changes and take actions that impact your personal choices including appearance. A beautiful inner transformation is happening deep within and you are seeking a higher meaning to your life.

Cancer Rising – A great deal of internal movement may make you feel agitated with Earth life. Try focusing on your creativity to stay centered and grounded. Connect to your purpose and learn how to create meaningful connections that help you serve your purpose while helping others.

Leo Rising – You yearn honesty in your friendships and seek people who are going to support your hopes and dreams. Use this bold energy to drive you forward, don’t be impulsive but strategic.

Virgo Rising – You are feeling ambitious and ready to steadily go up the mountain to create success in your life. Success that is connected to personal passions.

Libra Rising – You may need to forgive your childhood educators for the programming you received. Now, you are feeling drawn to discover your own truths that fit your current lifestyle and values. People may not love your new persona, but you will not care.

Scorpio Rising – For all your efforts to keep a clean record, albeit karmic, financial, you might see some deserved rewards. You can’t avoid the psychological purification! You may encounter uncouth people, ignore their unpolished manners.

Sagittarius Rising – There is a great deal of activity in your social and business life. Fated opportunities can advance your career so be fearless. Ignore jealous people. You are being prompted to find self-confidence and nurture your career. You may need to find harmony in your relationships.

Capricorn Rising – You mind could be caught up in the analytics and details. Take time to nurture your body, mind and spirit and enjoy the unfoldment that is happening. If you are looking to change jobs, this energy can help.

Aquarius Rising – You are feeling bold and ready to flirt, experiment with your sexuality. Your creative juices are flowing, and you feel inspired.

Pisces Rising – Your home life needs your attention. There is movement, either you are moving locations or there are emotional tugs. Be tender with yourself and family and create peace not war, if possible.


From August 24 to January 22, 2023, Uranus in Taurus (18°) goes retrograde. You may feel an internal yearn for freedom and want to unshackle yourself from anything holding you back! Hooray! You may end relationships that are unsupportive of your truths and desires. You are able to have some clarity on your current concerns as the great awakener points out the obvious! Are you ready for a mindset change?

Overall, you have some homework to do. I hear you complaining, “it is never ending”. I get it. Add some fun in your life. Do what brings you joy! Life doesn’t have to be dull and filled with intense healing all the time. We might be on a spiritual path to ascend but damn it, we can delight in Earthly fun too!

Next newsletter, your guide to Mercury retrograde and more.

Sending love.



Mercury Retrograde in Libra


Potent Full Moon in Aquarius