Mercury Retrograde in Libra

Read Your Guide to Mercury RX in Libra


On September 10, there is a full moon in Pisces (17°) and Mercury goes retrograde in Libra (24° – 8°) from September 10 to October 1, 2022.

The full moon heightens your senses are and you may feel a strong pull to nurture yourself or connect to a spiritual group. This full moon can bring awareness around your place in the world and what is out of place. While it feels intense, gentleness is required to understand your incarnation. If you’ve been feeling unsure of life, try to find quiet space to find your center again.

The human mind cannot be in a state of panic and calm simultaneously. Your brain is designed to be in one state at a time, I think that is a good safety switch and why breathwork, meditation, etc, is so effective. You can’t control external influences; however, you can be mindful of how you handle the emotional lessons this full moon reveals.

Let’s get right into this hyped topic, Mercury RX and what to expect.

Mercury is the messenger. Your communication giveth and taketh. Language has birthed crucial developments for humans. It has helped us understand our natural world through maths, sciences, languages, and forever shaped the landscape of Earth. The theme of language is magnified with Mercury in the air sign, Libra.


Libra is ruled by Venus and known as the planet of love and money. Libra is represented by the scales of justice and rules the seventh house. Libra seeks to find balance between all relationships, especially, pertaining to love, money, and justice. A never-ending conundrum for life on Earth. Wars are constantly waged over these 3 topics. A once happy marriage can turn into a sour divorce battle. Opposite Libra is Aries, the sign of me, myself and I. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war and action! Mars is now in Gemini for a long seven months. Gemini is the air sign that represents the iconoclast and communication. Additionally, in the other air sign, Aquarius, Saturn is in retrograde too.


Keep reading until the end for your guide to Mercury RX.


Communication Channel Changes!

As I’ve intuited in my previous blog, I see massive changes in how information is shared. Just like video stores went out of business, media outlets go through transitions. As the older generation seize to exist, Facebook struggles and morphs into business a directory versus its original idea to keep people connected. I've seen YouTube change its monetizing model, but it still feels relevant. Instagram, snapchat, etc, all scramble to stay current. You will see younger generations create platforms that fit their generations needs. The rest of us, scramble to keep up and/or go through trial and error to find what works for our needs!


What is trendy?!

I feel all people want are real connections with their true friends and tribes. That is where I see app trends moving towards. Don’t be surprised if new apps popup within the two years and your ditching old platforms for the hottest new trends!

There is a stir up of strong feelings around legality and sharing content to the world. What social media platform do you prefer? What is the main reason you use social media?

They are going to need to make bigger phones because my old eyes are getting worst by the day, viewing content on my phone!


What does Mercury RX in Libra mean for you?

If you are unhappy with your current trajectory, the energy will help you examine your life. Surrender to getting in your own way. The words you use reveal your true passions, however, the “no, I can’t, I don’t know how”, are all blocks that you are creating. Listen with intent to the language you use daily and the unconscious projections you make. Your words give major clues to your doubts and fears.

Language is an extension of what you feel, think, and all the associations and assumptions you’ve made about yourself in your early development stages. Your body language says everything too. If you hold yourself back from acting on your desires. Is that procrastination or protection? If you physically can’t go to your job, is that because you are lazy or because the job isn’t fulfilling? All language is important to observe but body language was our first language.

If you’re not living your ideal life, listen to the words you tell yourself, observe your body’s reaction to situations.

Can you change your script and change your vibration?

Yes you can! Healthy thoughts, health life.


Ending Cycles

For months, I’ve been feeling the energy of death around me. Off course, being on Earth is literal passing from this realm to the next. Through meditation, yoga, etc, you can alter your state and make infinite shifts. You learn from your past and transform. Retrogrades are similar, they allow you to succumb to the past and reshape your future. Don’t ignore the messages Mercury brings you.

Expect high level internal dialogues that help you find your truths and understanding in your relationships. Past people can come back to help you graduate and finalize the lessons you didn’t complete. You may feel exhausted with some challenging people and decide to write a spiritual contract seizing the relationship. I trust you will find compassion that holds you accountable for only your actions.


Below is your individual guide to Mercury RX, per rising sign (akas first house, ascendant)


Aries Rising – You may scrutinize your relationships and try to find yourself in connections with others. It is wise to simply observe your own behaviours and beliefs before you fill others in on your emotional turmoil. With Chiron in Aries, your inner child needs your attention. Jupiter can help you explore relationships with self and others through deeper understandings of your own truths.

Taurus Rising – Your daily life may feel stagnant and you are seeking change. You will take extra care of your health or revise your health from diet to exercise. You are seeking a balance between work and may need more rest.

Gemini Rising – What does is your soul here to create? Love affairs are examined and anything that doesn’t bring you pleasure will no doubt be reviewed. You are yearning a creative outlet that will express your passions. Work with your root chakra.

Cancer Rising – If your home life isn’t in order you may wish to tidy up your physical home. You want to move. Or you want to reconnect to your roots, and/or heal any imbalances and struggles.

Leo Rising – You may want to spend time with friends or relatives that bring calm into your life. If you are around people who don’t verbalize their truth, you will feel it and be irritated. Communication is heightened for you so don’t verbally vomit. Find your center and examine the situation and self first.

Virgo Rising – You may realize you’ve been holding yourself back from your full potential. You yearn for more fulfilment! If you are thinking about your emotional and financial security. Look inwards for your strengths. You have the ability to turn your passions into profit. Next year, Jupiter will be moving Aries in your eighth house, other people’s resources. You may be rethinking careers too.

Libra Rising – You may need some time alone. You are reassessing who you are and who you want to become. Shedding the old skin. You may go through your closet and change your external appearance to match the personal evolution.

Scorpio Rising – You may do a retreat, a personal dive into examining the meaning of your life and seek answers through transcendentalism for answers. Careful to not numb out.

Sagittarius Rising – What do you want to achieve? What are your deepest desires? This is what you are working through, and Mercury helps you re-examine what isn’t working. You desperately seek your community for support and understanding.

Capricorn Rising – You are examining your career ladder and how to reach the mountain top and make a real difference in the world. If your career has a spiritual vibration even better.

Aquarius Rising – What do you believe? Or what are your beliefs and the ones you adopted? You are trying to untangle from the scriptures that keep you bound in unhealthy chains. You are seeking your truths and looking outside of your norm to find answers.

Pisces Rising – You want to set your affairs in order and seeking help from others isn’t a bad idea. You can’t do it all alone and you are examining your wealth and how to reduce your karmic footprint. You are ready to upgrade your psyche.

Can you forgive yourself for the past choices and learn from them? Are you willing to take the leap of faith to redirect your life?

Sending love,



Happy Birthday Libra and Autumn/Fall Solstice


Virgo & Mars Retrograde in Gemini, 2022