Scorpio and Taurus Eclipses 2022

Are Satisfied or unsatisfied with life!?


Here is the forecast for the rest of Libra season and then I will get straight into the upcoming Eclipses.

October is an active month. Mercury went direct on October 1. On October 8, Pluto goes direct in Capricorn (22/23°) followed by Aries full moon (16°) on October 9. On October 23, Saturn goes direct in Aquarius (28°). You may feel refreshed and balanced in many areas of your life. You may feel more resilient to the chaos around you and inside of you. You are coming to terms with lowering your guards if you are going to shed light on your current behaviours and limitations. You must bow to your teachers and impulsive emotions.

Life doesn’t halt when planets are retrograde.

Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Mars will remain in retrograde motion throughout Fall and Winter. Take time to answer those burning questions about your current life, life purpose, and assess what stands in your way. Clear the past, and gain traction and control of your future. Use your intuition to guide you before committing to anything. Ask yourself, does this feel aligned with my current values and soul’s trajectory? Committing to anything less has a chance of falling apart later!

If you are on the other end of the spectrum and living your dream life, you may feel the need to slow down and take care of yourself and relish in some leisure’s. No matter where you are on your journey, it is imperative to appreciate all you’ve achieved and how much you’ve grown. Appreciate all aspects of your personality. All serve you in times of triumph and crisis! Personal growth should be an important measure of success! Celebrate who you are today and who you will be tomorrow. All material possessions are discarded at death. You will be remembered by the contributions you made in the world and your character will be measured. The soul keeps the score!


Scorpio and Taurus Eclipses

For detailed explanation about the nodes, please read my previous blog. They mark the end of an era. Big news will continue to flood our airways. I still predict some huge changes in power and death be part of this cycle. Scorpio reveals dark secrets and there is no place to hide.


On October 25, the solar eclipse in Scorpio (12°) will conjunct Venus and Mercury! The transiting south node in Scorpio (13°) will give you another chance to reflect on what troubles you and what needs to be released. Do you repeat cycles or step up and take ownership of your psychological state? What will you discard and what will you keep?

On November 8, the lunar eclipse in Taurus (16°) will be conjunct Uranus and transiting north node (13°). This potent lunar eclipse makes a fixed square to Saturn in Aquarius (18°). Throughout this year, Uranus and Saturn have made a square to each other within a couple of degrees. In this great time of changes, people have made radical choices and broke free from norms. Some opted to complete their needs alone, some ignored all the whims to upgrade their systems!

Depending on your Taurus/Scorpio house cusp and configuration of your natal (birth) chart, you will feel the effects of these two powerful eclipses differently.


Money and mind! Both topics are significant domains of Taurus and Scorpio.


With Uranus and Saturn in the mix, the collective is seeking the power of wealth and financial stability in an unstable world. Simultaneously, many want the freedom from the chains of working in an office.

Do you have bad luck or free will? If you are not done with a lesson, you will unconsciously put it on your path!

The universe is bringing you many new adventures to review. Each opportunity helps you establish new grounds for material to psychological wealth. Some opportunities are disguised, step back and look past the façade. Remember, growth can come in many different forms.

There is an old computer science saying, garbage in, garbage out. Your mind is the same, your self-worth is the same. Your inner circle is the same. Your influence into the world is the same. Your self-imposed thoughts that are trapped in your unconscious mind are the connection between your inner and outer world.

These eclipses will bring much into the conscious space. Your fears and crazy thoughts that make you feel bad about yourself, no longer stay masked. We all have them. Do you have the bandwidth to search for your truth and reform your unhealthy thoughts? It isn’t an easy task as you’ve been living with this conditioning most of your life. If you weren’t taught how to make logical healthy choices in childhood, you will struggle with making them in adulthood. Now, you can’t continue blaming all your current choices on bad luck or external influencers. Your personality plays a huge part. Be gentle with yourself. Bring back your playfulness and powerful imagination. Remember to always add fun to your life. Dream of your desired future. As the saying goes, “You can do anything, if you put your mind to it!”

If you are ready to rapidly dissolve the old scripts and heal those pesky unhealthy thoughts and behaviours, the unconscious mind is your playground for making massive changes. This is why NLP-Neuro Linguistic Programming is more powerful than most talk therapies and yields rapid lasting results. It is a shorter more cost-effective therapy journey.

Try the exercise below.

Sit in a quiet place. Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Think about a current problem you need resolved. Let’s ask your unconscious mind the following questions.

  • What must happen for you to have what you need?

  • What must not happen for you to attain your happiness?

  • What are you still doing that holds you back from creating your dream life?

Somewhere within you there is a knowing that you are meant to do something more satisfying.

You will feel the forces of Taurus/Scorpio nodes until Summer 2023 when the nodes move into Aries/Libra. I will write more about this another time.

For now, personal transformations should feel refreshing and clear the past. This is a great time to follow your heart.

Next newsletter, Fall season and 2023!

Sending lots of love.



Scorpio Season 2022!


Happy Birthday Libra and Autumn/Fall Solstice